
Moorestown Friends Meeting

Our Quaker Meeting

Moorestown and Mt. Laurel Friends Meetings support members, attenders, and newcomers in seeking and experiencing Spirit in an open and welcoming community.

Together, we gather in worshipful and expectant stillness, keeping an open heart to the Divine, to each other, and to the Light within us.

worship with us – Sundays 10:00 am

In person: Worship, announcements, social time
Moorestown Meetinghouse: 118 E. Main Street, Moorestown, NJ
Mt. Laurel Meetinghouse: 436 Mt. Laurel Rd, Mt Laurel, NJ

Click here to join worship online
Or by phone/audio only: 646 558 8656 – Meeting ID 812 6039 9497

Please choose to attend online if you have any symptoms of illness

Enjoy these videos and photos of recent events at Moorestown Monthly Meeting.

calendar and news

learn more

Second Sundays 11:15 am (Sept-June): Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business
Third Sundays 11:15 am (Sept -June): Adult Religious Education

Meeting events

Click on an event for more information!

opportunities for youth

Young children attend First Day School to learn about Quakerism through games, stories and activities.

Children are always a welcome presence in Meeting for Worship. The following are offered at Moorestown Meetinghouse on Sunday mornings:

  • First Day/Sunday School classes (Sep-May) or activities for children pre-K thru 8th
  • Childcare for infants and toddlers

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting also sponsors a range of region-wide programs for K-12 youth as well as Young Adult Friends (ages 18-35-ish).  Check out the PYM  calendar for more events for all ages.

meeting info

information and contacts

Welcome! Use this link to tell us about yourself and we’ll be in touch

Already a part of our community? We may not have heard from you in a while. Please update our records with your current contact info.

Our office serves as the hub for inquiries, announcements, or referrals for assistance. Please contact the office at office@moorestownfriendsmeeting.org or 856-235-1561 .

The Pastoral Care Committee provides support for individuals and families in our community. Contact us here to:

  • Let us know that someone could use a visit, a call or a card
  • Inquire about financial assistance
  • Seek support for finding a way forward in a difficult life decision through a worshipful process of discernment

Witness in the World: If your Quaker faith moves you to engage with a cause or organization that might benefit from Meeting support, please contact us here.

Friends Enrichment Program (FEP): If you would like to learn more about this faith-in-action project to support and enrich the lives of local children, visit HERE.

Contact us

office: 856-235-1561

Moorestown Meetinghouse
118 E Main St, Moorestown NJ 08057

Mt. Laurel Meetinghouse
436 Mt Laurel Rd, Mt Laurel NJ 08054