About the FNCL discernment – introduction

Every two years, Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) seeks the help of local Meetings to discern its priorities for outreach to the next Congress. We are gathering your comments for Moorestown Friends Meeting to give input.

Please browse the four additional blog posts (one for each of FCNL’s guiding principles, as prefaced by the words “We seek…”). We invite you to comment on issues Spirit leads you to support most strongly. You might enter into a worship as you read, with your comments emerging from Spirit rather than from long-standing worldly interests.

For additional background, click here to go to the FCNL website.

Later this month, we’ll invite Friends to join in an online/phone-in worship sharing and discernment gathering to refine our priorities. Information will be posted on the Meeting website’s Meeting News page.

Thank you for your care of our testimonies and witness!
Witness in the World Support Committee, Moorestown Friends Meeting